Het is zover, gisteren tijdens kerstavond 2023, en het heeft zeker 10 jaar geduurd!
The time has come, yesterday during Christmas Eve 2023, and it has taken at least 10 years!
Some history 😁
Everyone has their periods, time periods in life that are roughly delineated. One of my periods was my ‘Barcelona time’. Back then, I had a small flat in Barceloneta, did a lot of sports, was sharp, bought branded clothes, and I was a Diesel fan back then. I really thought their watches were the max! Those big models, super cool! Not extremely expensive, but still, choosing is hard and it never came off.
I also started wearing fewer and fewer watches. Like for most, my mobile phone is also my watch.
This has changed recently because my partner does like it when I wear a watch, more as an accessory than as a time instrument. Models plenty in my ‘watch slide’, but none yet from Diesel.
We regularly went to the local jeweller together to look at the display case, which model, which colour, too big, too small. We finally went to try them on to find the right size (Diesel really does have big models). This narrowed down the choice and at long last came the message from my partner; ‘I’ll give you a Diesel as a present when we get married next year, for your birthday. You have to say which model though’.
But we didn’t make the wedding date. because yesterday I received my first Diesel MasterChief DZ-4343.
(Lucky me! 😉)