Why Changing Behavior is as Hard as Learning Chinese

Englisch Version  |  Dutch Version   “The following might be a bit oversimplified. The idea comes from the first part of this Modern Wisdom podcast. Here’s the link” You know how it goes: you make the same mistake again in a relationship or at...


English Version  |  Dutch Version   Journaling: Finding the Right Approach Wherever self-development is discussed, the principle of journaling always comes up. I’ve often told myself: Yes, this is something for me. I’m going to do it. Initially, I...

1.4 billion people and only 2 traffic rules

English Version  |  Dutch Version   Traffic in India vs. Belgium: A Short Impression After our visit to Kerala (India), I was truly surprised by the traffic there. That’s why I wrote this short impression. The Traffic Situation in India At first glance, it seems...
SUM | David Eagleman

SUM | David Eagleman

English Version  |  Dutch Version   Through Derek Sivers, one of my great inspirations, I was introduced to David Eagleman’s book SUM. Sivers, known for, among other things, CD Baby, his inspiring talks in podcasts and YouTube videos, including memorable...
Moet ik dat nu doen

Moet ik dat nu doen

English Version  |  Dutch Version     Should I Do This Now? The Five Words That Change Everything As an amateur writer, I frequently notice that what seems obvious to me can be a revelation to others. This is particularly true for the powerful question I...

Customers never complain … They zap

Customers Never Complain …. They Zap 92%of customers zap because they don’t get attention (anymore). You buy an expensive car, an insurance policy or a vacation and you don’t hear from the seller. Did they ever contact you after your purchase to ask...