Englisch Version | Dutch Version “The following might be a bit oversimplified. The idea comes from the first part of this Modern Wisdom podcast. Here’s the link” You know how it goes: you make the same mistake again in a relationship or at...
English Version | Dutch Version Journaling: Finding the Right Approach Wherever self-development is discussed, the principle of journaling always comes up. I’ve often told myself: Yes, this is something for me. I’m going to do it. Initially, I...
English Version | Dutch Version Traffic in India vs. Belgium: A Short Impression After our visit to Kerala (India), I was truly surprised by the traffic there. That’s why I wrote this short impression. The Traffic Situation in India At first glance, it seems...
English Version | Dutch Version Through Derek Sivers, one of my great inspirations, I was introduced to David Eagleman’s book SUM. Sivers, known for, among other things, CD Baby, his inspiring talks in podcasts and YouTube videos, including memorable...
English Version | Dutch Version Should I Do This Now? The Five Words That Change Everything As an amateur writer, I frequently notice that what seems obvious to me can be a revelation to others. This is particularly true for the powerful question I...
Customers Never Complain …. They Zap 92%of customers zap because they don’t get attention (anymore). You buy an expensive car, an insurance policy or a vacation and you don’t hear from the seller. Did they ever contact you after your purchase to ask...